
  • Tell me a little about yourself and your family

I am Fiifi Annan Sarpong. I’m 24 and an Akan, from Princess Town, western side of Ghana. My first name “Fiifi” is my soul name. 

A soul name is “kra din”. In Twi “kra” means soul and “din” means name; These names have further meanings concerning the soul and character of the person as well as the day a person is born. It’s also referred to as “day name”. In Ghana there’s a naming system, depending on the day of birth and ethnicity of the person. 

For example, a person is named “Kofi” because they were born on a Friday and they are an Ashanti. I am “Fiifi” because I’m born on a Friday and am a Nzima. Each day and ethnicity has it’s own name, basically.Traveling and working as a model, I realised most people assumed it’s a nickname. 

My middle name, Annan, means fourth born and “wise advisor”. Sarpong is my family name or surname meaning “supremacy in war”.  

I grew up and schooled in Kumasi. I studied communication design, majoring film making, photography and animation at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST). Dad works in Accra, I visit when I can, mom lives and works in Kumasi, both as agriculturalists. I’m the last born of four, with two older sisters and one brother. 

  • What makes you feel alive?

Reading a good book makes me feel alive. My go tos are Mastery by Robert Greene,

Going Within by Shirley McLaine and Outwitting The Devil by Napoleon Hill

  • You told me a bit about your music & conscious rap as we were shooting, can you tell me more about this? How and when did you start?

I have always wanted to do music. There’s a famous story in my family of a younger me, performing Michael Jackson’s songs at family gatherings, all eyes on me, singing, dancing and everything. I developed this passion for art, creating and entertainment from the wide range of culture my dad exposed me to growing up.  He had great taste in music and a good collection of classic movies on vhs and then the dvd player in his old BMW. My dad showing me all this helped me in finding my own genre, I love rap and symphony, jazz, and rock and roll.  

Conscious rap is a subgenre of hip-hop that focuses on creating awareness and imparting knowledge. I love to sing and rap about my personal experience and seek to teach and inspire anyone hearing “Fxxfx”. [ Fiifi’s artist name]. 

I recorded my debut “Shortcomings” in University when I had a lil bit of freedom to be “me”. The song is about the unfulfilled expectations in relationships, something of a personal experience. 

My  second song  “316” was named because I started seeing those numbers literally everywhere. After reading a bit on numerology, I realised my existence had a connection to those numbers and anytime I need confirmation on a thought or idea, it pops up in my situation somehow and I know I’m on the right path.  

The song was born from an eye opening life experience, one which made me understand the need to work on yourself. You can allow the miracles of life to work for you while you work on yourself rather than putting everything on another person, because they are always going to “sell out” in some way. You’ve got to have a hold of yourself first. 

I’m currently recording from my home studio- It’s a bit difficult since my modeling career requires a lot of movement and traveling but I make it work.

  • What inspires you?

I read this good book “Going Within” [Shirley McLaine] that inspired me to find whatever it is I want in life “within” the self. 

Going within feeds me up, charges me with some type of divine motivation. Life has been magical since this. I can say I am my own inspiration.

  • What’s next with your music?

    I’d like to share this another time :)

  • Is spirituality or religion important to you? 

I was raised in a Religious (Christian) household. I had many questions which led me to do a lot of research in order to understand the grand scheme of things so I would say I’m now quite educated in the subject. The premise of all religions is belief.  Whatever you believe in, you make real. I think it's important to find your own understanding through education, meditation and life experience to define who and what you want to be in life.

I believe that by going within like this,  whatever you define for yourself will be something of love and won’t hurt anyone but only be filled with creativity and inspiration in itself. 

  • In what ways does faith impact you?

Faith to me is like taking a chance on whatever you hold true within, and living by it through an enlightened self/mind.If it wasn’t for Faith I wouldn’t be where I’m at now with my career. 

Faith has allowed me to live and let live and flow, open to accept nothing but blessings where I go spirituality. Gratitude is a big part and a great multiplyer. 

  • What  are your thoughts on the current music scene?

The music scene is different now, in a good way. It’s like inter-racial marriages, I love how talent out of Africa are connecting and creating beautiful music together; For instance, Shatta Wale and Beyoncé, African talents like Black Sherif and Burna Boy on “Second Sermon”. The sounds are more eclectic, it’s a game changer, the future looks bright and easy for young talent in the  music industry 

  • 3 Favourite Artists?

Conway the machine 

Omar sterling 

Fxxfx ;)

  • Tell me something about love

Someone is special in my life and I think love is the level of openness towards your partner, for your sake and for their sake. It’s a beautiful thing.

  • 3 most important things to you for living a fulfilled and happy life? 

A good book

Good food


  • A piece of advice you’d give to your younger self 

I would advise my younger self to pay attention to the conversations I had with my father and try harder practicing them. My dad would say “the real you is who you are when you’re alone”. 

I later became a student; Reading all the philosophy/self help books, I found out the word “alone” comes from a combination of the Middle English words "all" and "one," ; A person who is alone is all-in-one.

Philosophy explains that to mean that we are complete as we are. There is no need to impress by changing who we are in the presence of people. There’s a need to stay true to yourself in every situation if you understand this concept. You only improve by becoming more “You” for everything else to fall into place. Once you get this idea, you won’t look down on yourself or have self doubt, you’re all-in-one, everything you need is in You, first. 


Ask questions and develop the habits to pick and choose what to use rather than accepting all blindly. 

Don’t follow the crowd, always locate the individual

Read more books! 

Dedicate time and energy into listening to and understanding your instincts.

  • What has your experience of modeLling been like?

Being a model is beautiful; I get to create shapes with my body - to me it’s like Pilates where I get to be flexible and communicate with my body language, be more stoic toward life, enhance my mental awareness, assume different roles from outfits by big brands, in store and in publications, connect with other creatives. I love it. 

  • How do you relax and wind down?

I have a ritual where I love to do things slowly. I slow down my movements and become present in every action, whatever I’m doing. Sometimes I’ll light scented candles or incense, cook, or watch tv - mainly stand up comedy shows, Dave Chapell being a favorite

  • What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I want to be able to give young people the chance to pursue whatever it is they want in life, whatever their circumstances. I want to be able to do that by providing answers to their questions and being able to effortlessly help financially if need be.

  • A phrase you live by 

“Live and Let Live”